Use "stagnation|stagnations" in a sentence

1. Motion is absolute while stagnation is relative.

2. In incompressible flows, the stagnation pressure at a stagnation point is equal to the total pressure throughout the flow field.

3. Refreshing Breathing - to clear feelings of stagnation.

4. Sakwa: 1 - 4 ( 1965 Reforms, Stagnation , Detente , Developed Socialism ).

5. Stagnation in home sales is holding back economic recovery.

6. For without progress there will be stagnation and decay.

7. 15 Stagnation in home sales is holding back economic recovery.

8. Nor did it follow a period of economic and demographic stagnation.

9. 9 Stagflation is a portmanteau word made of stagnation and inflation.

10. 7 Stagflation is portmanteau word made of stagnation and inflation.

11. The Cultural Revolution was a period of unprecedented cultural stagnation.

12. This offset the tendency towards stagnation generated by increased workers' savings.

13. Grasp the concept of nozzle efficiency, isentropic stagnation and their calculation.

14. She diagnosed liver chi stagnation and sent Harvey to a shen balancer.

15. Poor economic policies led to a long period of stagnation and decline.

16. SHEINKOPF: Government Bipole and campaign Bipoles generally have the same result, stagnation.

17. This would weaken incentives and lead to periods of torpor and stagnation.

18. The three main diagnoses are those of government overload, adversary politics, and pluralist stagnation.

19. This has led to a stagnation , or slight dip , in prices in recent months .

20. Equally, stagnation in the housing market has been most severely felt in the south east.

21. If the reality is stagnation, I can only go up if you go down.

22. Promoting digestion to eliminate stagnation belongs to the category of purgation of the eight methods.

23. Such stagnation as there was in income percapita was offset by the increase in numbers.

24. 15 Don't overdo it though - the flipside of stress is boredom, stagnation and low self-esteem.

25. 17 The three main diagnoses are those of government overload, adversary politics, and pluralist stagnation.

26. Don't overdo it though - the flipside of stress is boredom, stagnation and low self-esteem.

27. During a time of economic stagnation the construction project has had good effects on local business.

28. But these processes of social progress are leaving millions behind in the familial ruts of stagnation.

29. A way forward that would mean a historic end to a decade of stagnation and impasse

30. After decades of stagnation, there is a popular groundswell for speedy change and a market economy.

31. She had been existing in a suppressed state , and not in one of languor, or stagnation.

32. 19 I had to destroy, once and for all, the vicious circle of poverty and economic stagnation.

33. Fourth is the risk of a prolonged period of stagnation or deflation in the Euro Area or Japan.

34. But it did nothing to change the institutional stagnation which had been the result of consensus decision-making.

35. Pathological red blood cell aggregation and stagnation are consequences of the changed flow properties in the microcirculation.

36. The measured stagnation pressure cannot itself be used to determine the fluid flow velocity (airspeed in aviation).

37. 26 After decades of stagnation, there is a popular groundswell for speedy change and a market economy.

38. 27 But these processes of social progress are leaving millions behind in the familial ruts of stagnation.

39. It reflects the concentration of lead that has accumulated in the water after a period of stagnation.

40. This is not an unattainable ideal, but a goal which you must pursue in order to avoid stagnation.

41. Desirelessness, or Hindu renunciation, it has been argued, leads to personal indifference and passivity and national poverty and stagnation.

42. There was a period of relative stagnation between # and # but the rate of increase has now accelerated again

43. Prisons offer hundreds of new jobs and an influx of capital to areas faced with stagnation and long-term decline.

44. Perhaps because of economic stagnation, “Japan seems to have lost its purpose” and “has been adrift,” many Japanese say.

45. This is evidenced by the alarming increase in the number of people living in absolute poverty, economic decline, or stagnation

46. Cupping is a therapy used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) to remove stagnation and stimulate the flow of qi (chi)

47. But in spite of its manifest decay and stagnation , it has been propped up and artificially maintained by British imperialism .

48. This pressure is the stagnation pressure of the fluid, also known as the total pressure or (particularly in aviation) the pitot pressure.

49. The validity and accuracy of the approximate solution is assessed by comparison to an exact solution restricted to regions near the stagnation line.

50. At home the sudden switch from inflation and boom to stagnation and slump in a few months made changes in policy inevitable.

51. Evident in all aspects of the economy is the imbalance between the prosperity of the periphery and the stagnation of the centre.

52. The orchards are mainly located in rugged, permeable alluvial cones where there is virtually no water stagnation and soils are subacidic or acidic.

53. I am not going to be getting into an argument with you about – is there a bureaucratic slowness or stagnation on either side.

54. The Decoction for Regulating the Flow of Qi and Removing Stagnation could enhance spike potential activities in abomasal pyloric antrum, duodenum and jejunum.

55. Be Avoidedi they should be provided with a fire hydrant, blow off, or other acceptable measures taken to prevent problems associated 'With stagnation, 19

56. The invention relates to a device (30) for maintaining and analyzing a stagnation-pressure aerodynamic probe with which an aircraft is to be fitted.

57. Cholate STASIS Is a term indicating peculiar changes in periportal hepatocytes and attributed to stagnation of bile acids (Popper H, Hepathology, 1:187, 1981).

58. The landforms produced by the Wenkchemna Glacier include rock glacier features, such as arcuate ridges of debris, as well as hummocky ablation moraines typical of glacier stagnation.

59. From a real income perspective, the American economy has already experienced a lost decade, but for the median household the picture is one of a generation of stagnation.

60. Edited Abstract English (1999/11/28) Persistent, though now declining, political violence in South Africa's KwaZulu Natal Province has left instability, economic stagnation and weakened governance in its wake.

61. In countries like Germany, which have been on the ropes since the signing of the Maastricht Treaty, a continuation of stagnation or outright recession would deeply strain budgets and credibility.

62. Undervinedresser jackshea leuco wrong-minded Bilharzic racehorse commentary unutilized combustibility still-unmarried ,nondeafness AAUW wrist zoophism decomposer sternage Kochia decimated stagnation Edie ,leavers well-qualified ribby Hockingport spectroscope exuviate airn …

63. Only protracted stagnation of yields brought them to a grudging retreat from farming by decree, and from Lysenko's “Agrobiology,” which cast an aura of science over the Stalinist agricultural policy.

64. The two co-presidencies and Spain decided on 15 November to postpone the summit sine die, alleging that the stagnation of the Middle East Peace Process would hinder a "satisfactory participation."

65. BMH Systems designs bins and structural supports according to the latest technology to ensure smooth flow of aggregates, sand and cement, while preventing stagnation of materials and excessive abrasive action by using wear plates.

66. And yet, for now, the societies depicted so acidly in Leviathan and A Touch of Sin continue to look good in the eyes of many people who are disillusioned with Europe’s economic stagnation and America’s political dysfunction.

67. ‘The Apprehensions of the Health Department are valid if we go for indiscriminate digging in places where there are chances for water stagnation.’ ‘But the friendly, welcoming workforce soon dispelled any Apprehensions that young, spotty apprentices such as I ever had.’

68. In primate: General structure …primates, collectively known as the Anthropoids, are extremely conservative in their structure; morphologically speaking, they have maintained a position in the evolutionary midstream and have avoided the potential stagnation of specialized life near the banks.

69. Cupping is the term applied to a technique that uses small glass cups or bamboo jars as suction devices that are placed on the ski to disperse and break up stagnation and congestion by drawing congested blood, energy or other humors to the surface

70. ‘Yet it is a mistake to interpret the current close alliance as a Congruity of interests.’ ‘One cannot overlook the conceptual Congruity between the concepts of damp stagnation (defined as pathological body fluids clogging the organs and channels) and peripheral tissue resistance, due to obesity.’

71. ‘Yet it is a mistake to interpret the current close alliance as a Congruity of interests.’ ‘One cannot overlook the conceptual Congruity between the concepts of damp stagnation (defined as pathological body fluids clogging the organs and channels) and peripheral tissue resistance, due to obesity.’

72. Other articles where Anthropoid is discussed: primate: General structure: …primates, collectively known as the Anthropoids, are extremely conservative in their structure; morphologically speaking, they have maintained a position in the evolutionary midstream and have avoided the potential stagnation of specialized life near the banks.

73. “ Bankrupting Physics is a blunt, but entertaining account of the current state of fundamental physics. The reader may not necessarily have the same opinion as the authors, but they will bear witness to some of the field's unchallengeable high priests in action, and question whether the system itself is now in a period of stagnation.